Back Length - Base of neck to start of tail in cm : 39
Floor to Shoulder - cm : 36
Floor to top of head when standing measurement - cm : 45
Please tell us a little about your pets personality and skills : A loving clown. Has quite a few tricks and standard commands, sit down stay fetch, learns very quickly if something new to him is needed. Is able to learn most things if given enough time beforehand. Is also Therapy dog.
Lives with other Animals : Yes
Dog Skill Set : Sit, Stay, Lie down, Will wear clothes, Good with children, Good with other dogs, Gives Paw, Basic Agility , Competes at fun shows , Roll over, Jump on command , Used to professional camera flash , Fetch and bring back item, Play Dead, Bark on Command, Heel work to music, Will go from Mark A to mark B on command , Learns new tricks very easily
Skill Rating : 4
Animal Type : Dog
Breeds - Dogs : Jack Russell
Weight : 10-20Kg
Neck Circumference - cm : 33
Chest Circumference - cm : 38
Back Length - Base of neck to start of tail in cm : 39
Floor to Shoulder - cm : 36
Floor to top of head when standing measurement - cm : 45
Please tell us a little about your pets personality and skills : A loving clown. Has quite a few tricks and standard commands, sit down stay fetch, learns very quickly if something new to him is needed. Is able to learn most things if given enough time beforehand. Is also Therapy dog.
Lives with other Animals : Yes
Dog Skill Set : Sit, Stay, Lie down, Will wear clothes, Good with children, Good with other dogs, Gives Paw, Basic Agility , Competes at fun shows , Roll over, Jump on command , Used to professional camera flash , Fetch and bring back item, Play Dead, Bark on Command, Heel work to music, Will go from Mark A to mark B on command , Learns new tricks very easily